A healthy smile and good oral hygiene begins with regular Preventative Dental Care. Regular scale and cleans help to remove the build up of bacteria around your teeth and in your gum pockets.
For all our patients at Dazzling Smiles dental we recommend they have a scale and clean done every 6 months. These routine scales and cleans are designed to manage minor issues such as gingivitis and prevent such gum disease from progressing. Planning a regular cleaning twice per year allows us to intercept dental problems when they are at their initial stages. This way, if treatment is required, it is easier to treat, less invasive to your teeth and more affordable in the long run.
If it has been more that 1 to 2 years since your last dental visit, there is a good chance that you have significant bacterial build up that needs to be cleaned away. This cleaning is performed by using ultrasonic scalers which vibrate at a high frequency to remove calculus without damaging your teeth. If a deep clean is required we may even use local anesthetic to numb your gums before removing the calculus underneath them.
Proper care and prevention of oral disease is the best thing you can do for your teeth. Addressing and intercepting problems before they occur will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Early treatment may even save your tooth from being extracted or undergoing complex and costly treatments.
Call Us at 03-8339-4253