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How Do Dentists Deal With Dental Emergencies in Craigieburn?

Today we are back with how to deal with dental emergencies in Craigieburn. Dental emergencies can happen at any time. Between the hours of 9am–5pm, Monday to Saturday, Dazzling Smiles has you covered with emergency dental care in Craigieburn. If you require emergency dental work and it’s currently within our opening hours, don’t delay. Stop reading this blog post and book an appointment online or via the phone: (03) 8339 4253. If you’re reading this outside our opening hours, we urge you to find an after-hours emergency dental clinic (but feel free to come back and finish reading later!).

If there’s one thing to know about dental emergencies, it’s that they’re time-sensitive. When a dentist is dealing with a dental emergency, they should understand this and respond in a calm, rational manner. This is the first step to managing a dental emergency. Keep reading to learn the rest!

They stay calm

In any emergency situation, we tend to go into fight-or-flight mode. Moreover, confusion regarding what constitutes a ‘dental emergency’ can throw you into a further flurry of worry. Like any trained medical professional, a dentist’s first port of call is to stand as that sturdy lighthouse that’s surrounded by turbulent seas. Sometimes, all it takes is a calm and compassionate presence to help tame the waves.

Emeregency dentist in craigieburn, Dental Emergencies in Craigieburn

They assess the situation

Once you’re in the dental chair, your dentist will take a look inside your mouth whilst maintaining that calm, lighthouse-like demeanour. They may shine a literal light in your mouth, too, to observe the dark caverns and the site of the shipwreck. Once they know what they’re working with, they can create an action plan. Emergency dental situations can take many forms, including:

They take the next step

Once they’ve shone a light into the dark cavern, your dentist will know what to do next. What they do will depend on the situation at hand. Some emergencies will require immediate action—for example, a loose adult tooth is usually a choking hazard and may require on-the-spot extraction. Other emergencies may not be immediately treatable.

Before removing wisdom teeth, for example, you must first control the pain and infection with pain killers, antibiotics, and oral hygiene practices. Though it’s still important to see an emergency dentist in this case, the most they can offer is the aforementioned treatments and a future action plan.

Whether the solution is instant or part of a process, dentists manage the situation with calmness, compassion, and professionalism. Our emergency dentist in Craigieburn is no exception.

Got a dental emergency in Craigieburn?

If you believe you have a dental emergency, don’t second-guess yourself. Get yourself checked out straight away. Dazzling Smiles is a dentist in Craigieburn that offers emergency dental work between  9am–5pm, Monday to Saturday. If your emergency falls within these timeframes, please book an appointment online or via the phone—(03) 8339 4253—and we will attend to you as soon as we can.

If your emergency falls outside of these hours, please contact an after-hours dental clinic as soon as possible.

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